Our Ambition

Preserve and restore the environment: Preserving and restoring the planet’s natural capital: water, soil, and air:
By 2050, earth will have 9.6 billion inhabitants, most of which will be living in cities. 40% of the population will live in zones exposed to hydric stress, while sources of minerals such as zinc, iron or copper will be nearing exhaustion.
This fact requires us to collectively call our traditional models into question. Reinventing our modes of management, production and consumption of resources is essential to rise to the challenges that cities are facing, such as climate change and the exponential population growth. It is also essential for RESOURCE to address the challenges facing our industry, which must incorporate sustainable growth in its business models.
We want our innovation capacity to encourage recycling, recovering, and producing secondary raw materials and alternative resources. We will reach that goal by supporting our customers as they change from a linear model, which over consumes resources, to a circular model, aiming to recycle and recover them for future use.
These resources are essential to life and to our collective future, a fact we, at RESOURCE, are deeply connected to. We ’re committed to creating innovative solutions and sustainable models that create value for our customers.
The challenges of a faster-moving world: A worldwide push for a growth model using fewer resources:
Developing urbanization, the changing face of global demography and the effect of a global warming are diminishing the supplies of available resources. In the future, more of us will have to share fewer materials. The drive to protect the environment is gathering steam, even in emerging countries and new growth models are necessary.
- Expanding demand
- Resource depletion
- Awareness is on the rise