Recovery and waste management
Waste recycling and recovery
Waste sorting, recycling and recovery require expertise and the capacity to adapt technology to the challenges posed by materials and their conditions for reuse. RESOURCE treats many types of waste using a cost-cutting approach aiming to save resources and reduce environmental footprint.
a) Recovering waste as secondary raw materials.
b) Creating Renewable Energy from Waste and Reducing Environmental Footprint:
Energy from hazardous and non-hazardous waste
We offer new renewable energy sources as waste incineration in Waste-to-Energy plants:
- Electricity and/or potentially heat created by burning non-hazardous waste, and ordinary industrial waste can supply urban heating networks.
- Steam produced by incinerating hazardous waste in special flues at chemical plants can be re injected directly into the industrial process.
Energy from biowaste
We recover methane contained in biogas at our storage or at mechanical and biological sorting units. This can then be recovered as heat, electricity, or fuel.
Reducing carbon footprint
Substituting local renewable energy for fossil fuels, recovering bottom ash from incineration, and recovering and treating flue gas generated by waste combustion all contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing environmental footprint.

Waste treatment and disposal
The qualities of some types of waste mean they cannot be reused. To store this remaining waste securely, RESOURCE has created advanced industrial know-how. We design and work for hazardous and non-hazardous residual waste which ensure it is managed in an eco-friendly manner.
- Guarantee secure storage of your residual waste.
- Recover residual waste to reduce your costs and protect the environment by isolating the recovered residual waste, contributing the energy transition, securing treatment of effluents, and preserving the biodiversity.